Monthly Archives: November 2008

President and Prayer

prayer1I write this article as the votes for President of the United States are still being counted. We don’t know yet who will be the chief executive of this declining nation. We do know there has been great fear.

I won’t begin to categorize the fears but the response of many evangelicals has been to fall on their knees in prayer. Prayer is always a good thing. But will prayer change the vote? Would God manipulate the supporter of one candidate to vote for the other “divinely chosen” one? Sorry to be such a heretic, but prayer right before the election is a matter of “too little too late.” I certainly believe that Christians ought to bring this election (and all elections) to the throne.  We need to remember, however, that God does not change people against their will.

As I wrote my daughter a few days ago, our nation is, as the phrase aptly describes, “slipping its moral moorings.”  What happens on Election Day will be a reflection of this.   I am more concerned about our overt approval of homosexual lifestyles, abortion, and the erosion of civility and ethics than who becomes president.   If McCain or Obama is elected to preside over an increasingly immoral nation, not much has been accomplished.

Unless something happens to draw the citizens of our nation into a relationship with their Creator, we are in big trouble. Prayer draws upon the power of heaven to do God’s will. He has told us what His will is…reconcile men and women to Him who loves them.  We steadfastly refuse to do it!  While we have hidden in our buildings holding “worship services,” Satan has been winning the hearts and minds of those we have ignored.  Our prayer ought to be that God’s people will finally do God’s will.

None of this will, of course, make sure that we get the right president. But does it really matter? After Election Day Jesus will still be the same. The job He gave us will still be the same. We need to pray our prayers and then get up off our knees and do that job!


Filed under Community, Culture Wars, Current Events, Good & Evil, morality, Politics, Preaching/Teaching, Religion, Satan, sex, Supernatural