Monthly Archives: March 2013

Reproductive Rights

eyeseeyouOkay, I am getting weary of hearing about “reproductive rights” and “a woman’s right to choose.”  Get real.  These are just code words.  Everyone knows we are talking about abortion.

We who are “of age” all understand where babies come from, right?  (Clue: storks and cabbage plants are not involved in any way.)  Let me speak plainly: whether or not to “have sex” is every healthy person’s choice, right or wrong.  Men, you have a right to choose whether to father a baby or not.  You choose whether to keep your pecker in your pants or not.  Women, you have a right to choose whether or not to grant male access to your reproductive accessories (not talking about rape here but consensual sexual intercourse).  Whether or not to use birth control is also a right.  But this is where your “right to choose” ends.

What none of us has a right to do is kill babies resulting from a failure to overcome craving with caution.  That’s just murder.  If, in the heat of passion, you choose to forego birth control…well…you may have made a baby you are responsible to care for in utero or out.  You did your choosing before the winning sperm penetrated the waiting egg.

If you don’t want the baby, then choose to give it to one of the thousands of couples who do.

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Filed under Abortion, Culture Wars, Good & Evil, morality, Politics, sex


eyeseeyouWhy do we bother to teach history if we are determined to ignore it?  Maybe you slept through your history classes (it has a lot to do with the attitude and style of the coach who taught you) or studied just enough to pass.  So, as a public service, here are some facts you may have forgotten.

  1. No outside power has been able to gain and retain power in Afghanistan.  That’s right, none.
  2. Remember the Crusades?  Every time foreign (Western) armies enter the Middle East, for good or ill, the inhabitants are reminded of those ancient incursions.  And, since they never forget, the vast majority will hate your guts.
  3. In the process of conquering the known world, the Romans spread their armies too thin.  Consequently, they were unable to defend themselves when attacked.
  • Why have we not learned the lessons from those who previously tried to occupy and control Afghanistan?
  • Why can’t we see that we cannot win the hearts and minds of the Middle East through military might?
  • Why do we continue to act like the world’s policemen and sacrifice the lives of our young women and men and maintain garrisons around the world?  Can we defend our own nation when the time comes?

The answer, my friend, is not blowin’ in the wind.  It is there, in black and white, in the history books.

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Filed under Afghanistan, Current Events, Freedom, History, Ignorance, Incompetence, Islam, Middle East, Peace, Politics


eyeseeyouThe new head of the Roman Catholic Church has taken the name, “Francis,” after Francis of Assisi, a truly remarkable man.  In nearly every way the Catholic Church is the antithesis of the ways of the original Francis.  The pomp and ceremony witnessed in the weeks surrounding the selection of a new pope is not a reflection of the simplicity and meekness of Christ and those who followed Him.  The apostles made certain that they were not honored as anything more than men with a mission.

As with so many great men and women, a lot of embellishment has been plastered on the stories of the man from Assisi.  I am thinking of one particular saying attributed to him, “Preach the gospel, and if necessary, use words.”  He said some wise and wonderful things, but no bona fide record of him having actually uttered this particular phrase exists.  I like to believe he really did.  It fits what I’ve learned about the man.

Jesus said it first in so many ways.  In His sermon on the mount, he made sure his listeners knew that what we do is as important as what we say.  Truly, truly God is glorified when the gospel is authenticated by salty, light-filled lives replete with compassion, service, love and good deeds (Matthew 5).  James takes pains to remind us that faith which produces no works is a dead faith (James 2).  There is no room in this short blog to list all the references in the writings of the New Testament regarding the absolute necessity of actions that validate our faith.  Trust me, there’s a bunch!

Those who claim to follow Christ seem to have forgotten that the world is watching.  Every disciple needs to be challenged to find some place quiet and do a little self-examination of the last 24 hours of their life.  I mean every aspect.  If your faith is validated by your good deeds, have there been any?  If your heart is known by your speech, what does your heart look like to your family, school mates, co-workers and friends?  If you are known as a follower of Christ, have you humbly served?  Have you treated those with whom you have come in contact with love and respect, no matter their station in life?  How have you lived when you think no one’s watching?

The world can know Christ only by seeing and hearing His followers.

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Filed under Christlikeness, church, Evangelism, Jesus Christ, Missions/Evangelism, Preaching/Teaching, Quotations, Religion