Category Archives: Poetry?

So What Can I Do?

eyeseeyouI have finally come to grips that I will not be a “mover and a shaker.”  The world, alas, is not clamoring for my opinions, my advice, my counsel, my pontifications.  The President and members of congress no longer call (man, could I give them an earful if they did!).  It has been some time since some anchor person contacted me to get my take on foreign or domestic events and developments.  Celebrities fail to call me for my thoughts on the directions their careers should take.  No one sends me scripts for potential movies or plays anymore.  Congress persists in passing bills without my input.

So what can I do to make the world a better place?  Jesus said we can do this by serving; by letting our light shine through our good works (Matthew 5:13,14).  Consider:

Think of your fellow man
lend him a helping hand
put a little love in your heart.
You see it’s getting late
oh please don’t hesitate
put a little love in your heart.
And the world will be a better place
and the world will be a better place
for you and me
you just wait and see.

–Jackie Deshannon

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Filed under Aging, Awareness, Change Agent, Christlikeness, Culture Wars, Discernment, discipleship, Edification, Encouragement, Friendship, Jesus Christ, Love, Music and Poetry, Poetry?, Selflessness, Uncategorized

Broken Down in Break Week

The best-laid schemes o’ mice an ‘men
Gang aft agley,
An’lea’e us nought but grief an’ pain,
For promis’d joy!

(Robert Burns, To A Mouse, On Turning Her Up In Her Nest With The Plough)

It is Break Week at Sunset (and, consequently at Charamon in Abilene) which includes Thanksgiving. I was looking forward to getting a bunch of stuff done (won’t bore you with the details) but Brenda and I are reluctantly entertaining the worst cold (bacterial, apparently, as opposed to viral) we’ve had for years. Our doctor kindly saw us both and has given us the requisite antibiotics and steroid shots and a breathing treatment for your’s truly.


It would have been satisfying to leave some shamefully neglected tasks in our powerful wake as we plowed through the murky waters of waiting work. But, truly, as Robbie Burns warned, our plans have gone “agley” (whatever that means) and we are left with “nought but grief an’ pain / For promis’d joy!” Oh, we’ll weakly eke out some effort and put paid to a few of the more impatient chores. But a much more glorious and joyful outcome had been anticipated. Bummer!

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Filed under Current Events, Health Care, Poetry?, Whitsett News


silouette.gif   From time to time I will be posting material from the most prolific author of all time, Anonymous. Many organizations have been named after him. I know Anonymous must be male because who would give their daughter such a name? People often give money and stuff trying to make it look like the gift came from him. How famous can you get?

There may be more than one person with that moniker.  You know, the person that writes angry/obscene letters using his name? Here’s a little poem in limerick style I wrote especially for this particular Anonymous:

Here’s to the writer, Anonymous,
With trouble his name is synonymous,
His address is unknown,
Never answers his phone,
He won’t say a word to the rest of us.

You might even say he’s quite villainous
The letters he writes somewhat boisterous
He just has one name,
So it’s hard to pin blame,
When Anonymous kicks up a ruckus.

Anonymous is very ubiquitous
Pompous, contentious, cantankerous
This is his description,
But with no fixed location,
His true essence seems quite amorphous.


Filed under Poetry?, Quotations