Category Archives: Conspiracy Theories

Who Made President Obama Boss?

In our culture, the people have a say in who governs them, but ultimately it is is up to the Almighty.  Is that His stamp of approval on their positions and policies? Check out Daniel 2:21; 4:17; John 19:11; Romans 13:1-6 (and there’s a bunch more).  God sets up rulers and deposes them…some good some bad — for reasons best known to Him.  Believers need to shut up and get on their knees and pray for President Obama and all those who govern us (1 Timothy 2:1-3).

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Filed under Attributes of God, Conspiracy Theories, Culture Wars, Current Events, Discernment, Faith, Freedom, Good & Evil, History, honor, Politics, Religion, Respect, Skepticism, Theism

Conspiracy Theories

It seems to me that there has been an exponential increase in conspiracy theories.  Take your pick of subjects…the moon landing, the destruction of the Twin Towers, the death of UBL, assassination of President Kennedy, birthplace of Obama, etc., etc., ad infinitum. Someone or some group is going to come up with a theory (which they invariably accept as fact) that what we’ve been told is an attempt to cover up the “real truth,” and they can prove it.

Usually, the culprit is “the guvverment.”  Usually the motive of “the guvverment” is to fool us into thinking that someone else is responsible when the truth is they did it or didn’t do it…or something like that.

All these theories are just whitewash to cover up the amazing truth! It’s really a conspiracy by the conspirators who, for some sick reason, needs the notoriety or their fifteen minutes of fame and have conspired together to achieve it and I can prove it…really!

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Filed under Conspiracy Theories, Culture Wars, Current Events, Good & Evil, History, Humor, Ignorance, Politics, Rubbish